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ธันวาคม 23, 2555

Rihanna beauty Swimsuit

Rihanna showing her body in black Bikini-clad inside the Barbados villa, where just reportedly she called Police because of some guy wandered onto the private, beachfront residence. according to TMZ. In picture, Rihanna using telescope for seen clutching binoculars. Exciting!

But back to our thing, how Rihanna keep her size? she once revealed not like on skinny way, her weight loss gone a bit too far. she’s one of lucky woman who have a great Metabolism, perhaps because of her work. And is the shown which repeatedly.

Singer was photographed in March 2012 by a plain-looking pointy hip bones, she said that she has shedding weight at a rapid rate to around 133 pounds…so maybe her tip is Work a lot and Possibly Forgot eat?

She said “The Five Factor Diet has gone straight out the window ever since I went on tour. I mean, It’s difficult to have any kind of routine when your schedule is that crazy, So I really have no idea how I’m continuously losing weight.”

I’m kidding, Rihanna has revealed her tips just like another weight loss program, low carbohydrates and working out. her mainly diet food tip is LOW CARBS

“I’m working out and trying to eat healthy, That’s making me lose weight without even thinking about it. I’m not intentionally trying to get skinny.”

Rihanna is watching everything she eats and mostly with Vegetables, e.g. carrots, cucumbers, egg-whites then drinking lots of water, she also admit that ‘carbs are the enemy’

She have work out and gym with professional trainer 2-3 days/ week, proportional to her attention is legs which she said ‘obsessed’ about it. she doing cardio and weight training…unless to burn her fat at the gym, Rihanna also burn over 2,000 calories for each concert, Do not doubt that why she have such healthy and fit body!


Source : Celeb Weight Loss

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